Thursday, September 30, 2010

I like school but...

Sometimes I wish I could just take classes for fun.
Thats something I'd never picture myself saying.
But it's true!
Theatre History for instance, was admittedly one of my favourite classes.
But actually having to be tested on everything you've retained from a course now seems so disheartening. I want to learn but I don't want to be evaluated.
"Then Read a Book."
I like listening to people talk. I lose interests in educational books very easily. For the most part anyways.
Right now I'm reading up on (what I think is) the history of Atari Gaming systems and I'm not even sure what I should be remembering.
I've notice that sometimes books give you the names of things without explaining what they are, assuming their reader will understand. Because clearly if they are reading the book they have some interest and background in the subject. So by this logic I should know what a P-10 is and so on.
But I don't!
I don't speak geek. I don't even think a P-10 IS anything but it might as well be.
Something about classic text based video games...
I sit in this Art class and take pages of notes which turn out to be invalid information when if comes to a quiz after everything is said and done.

Why can't I just go to class, soak up the information like a sponge and feel more informed at the end of two hours. Why must we need grades to establish weather or not my obsessive note taking was worth while or not.
Because honestly, what am I going to use The History of Video Games for?


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