Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Just Gunna Stand There and Watch me Burn...

Now that I've leaked this blog to my Facebook friends I feel like I should actually put some effort into this.
You know....
In case anyone feels like stopping by to see how it's going.
I will tell you now though: Do not expect proper spelling or grammar.
I mean, story of my life right?
If you are a spelling/grammar nazi you can feel free to git the fuck out.

You might note the "Must Download" section I placed over there beneath what is supposed to be my profile. I'll be using that space to share music I'm into lately. You can click on the picture to go to the song on YouTube. Probably. Unless they take them down!

So Tom G's huge bash of the summer is coming up on Saturday. I'm super pumped.
Phil and I : AND ANYONE ELSE WHO MIGHT BE INTERESTED : plan on going down to The Rocket to make T-shirts for the event. It might as well be BSD with the amount of costume we want for this party.
I am a firm believer that costumes make everything more fun...
And I just realized the questionable connotations of that statement.

Anyways, I'm pretty excited. Not like overly excited just the right kind of excited that keeps me safe from getting my hopes up and potentially being let down. The so called endless amount of food and drink should satisfy my party lust though.
I've never tasted you.
I hear you taste like wine.
Check yes or no?

I feel like I'm stuck in a whirl wind. Inside and out.

In other news it's Canada Day Tomorrow :)
Happy Soon To Be Birthday, Country.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

But I Want To Be Skinny :(

So I started working out again in an attempt to get a fit and ready bikini body for Las Vegas. What resulted was ME GAINING WEIGHT INSTEAD OF LOSING IT.
Wtf? Seriously body?


I have deduced what the problem is. The problem is that when I work out I suddenly begin to worry about my food intake as well. And so as a result food is ALWAYS ON MY MIND. And because I am always thinking about food I am always hungry! So I never stop eating!

If you know me, you know that food and I really don't care about each other.
On a regular day (not sayin' it's healthy) I eat maybe twice.
I mean there is a lot of snacking and stuff (fruit, yogurt, chips..) but other than that I'm not actually hungry.
Clearly I don't have the body of an anorexic child so you can stop imagining me as this tiny lifeless thing sucking on a juice straw in a hospital.

Anyways, I don't really eat. But I don't really lose weight from that either.
This developed as a survival skill!
Because of my families weird eating schedule we don't have meals together typically. So it's FEND FOR YOURSELF LAND at the Horne residence.
When we do eat together it's late at night when dad gets home from work. This usually happens when we are all too lazy and miserable to make food for ourselves so we ask him to pick something up. So we wait. We wait in hunger.

So anyways, gaining weight sucks. Especially when I'm about to leave for a vacation I had every intention of being fit for. AND Especially when I was all "Oh hey, I lost like 10 pounds in the last little while. How the heck did that happen?"


Saturday, June 5, 2010

The After Party

A tiny goal I should be working on: Take off your makeup before you go to sleep, woman!
My face feels spiked out. Ew,

So, something small that could become a larger project is my room.

My room looks like a rainbow went to a party because all of his friends were going.
He didn't actually want to go but he was feeling left out and uncool. And peer pressure can be a bitch.
Anyways, his rainbow friends got him to the party and were bound and determined to get him drunk that night. So they figured that filling him with shots and beer would be a great idea!

And it was! The rainbow got so drunk he talked to himself in a bathroom mirror for the remainder of the night.
He did this for so long he lost track of time and everyone eventually left the party without him.
The rainbow staggered out of the bathroom, slurring the half remembered names of the friends who left him behind in this shameful state. The room was spinning.
And by this point the rainbow was feeling really sick.
Unfortunately the party was in my room.
And, without warning, the rainbow threw up all over it.

I guess if any of you happen to know me, you'd probably figure that I like it this way.
But I don't. Rainbow throw up is not my deal.

So my first order of business in tiny goal land is to bring some order to my skittle princess bedroom. This should be fun!

:D Exciting, hey?

HEY. I never said these goals would always be interesting!
I believe I made sure to disclaim that in the last blog entry.
Suck it up this is happening!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A Celebration of Mediocrity

I have a theory that life should be full of lots of tiny goals.
I'd like for this blog, in some way, to follow me and my tiny dreams.

I'm not going to learn how to jump out of an air plane or run a 10 K marathon because I am just not that person.
And I am tired of putting high, disheartening expectations on myself that are meant for someone else. Someone else will run that marathon and jump into the sky. Good for them. I'm done with wishing I could say same about myself because I can't. I wont. End of story.
And thats okay :)

I'm 20.
Going on 21.
And I find if difficult to find myself and what I want out of life because I am in constant awe of other peoples success. I watch others flourish in their lives and I consider how I might be able to do well in the same filed. But as inspiring as all these accomplished people are it doesn't help me one bit because I'm. Not. Them. What they do in their life is probably not what I am meant to do with my life.


I will learn how to be happy on a smaller scale before I begin to tackle the larger stuff. I need to learn and understand what I like and what I'm good at and be proud of those things instead of being envious of what others have going for them.
There is no such thing as envy when you are surrounded by things and people you truly love.
But the only way to get those things is to figure out what they are, and let yourself have them.