Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A Celebration of Mediocrity

I have a theory that life should be full of lots of tiny goals.
I'd like for this blog, in some way, to follow me and my tiny dreams.

I'm not going to learn how to jump out of an air plane or run a 10 K marathon because I am just not that person.
And I am tired of putting high, disheartening expectations on myself that are meant for someone else. Someone else will run that marathon and jump into the sky. Good for them. I'm done with wishing I could say same about myself because I can't. I wont. End of story.
And thats okay :)

I'm 20.
Going on 21.
And I find if difficult to find myself and what I want out of life because I am in constant awe of other peoples success. I watch others flourish in their lives and I consider how I might be able to do well in the same filed. But as inspiring as all these accomplished people are it doesn't help me one bit because I'm. Not. Them. What they do in their life is probably not what I am meant to do with my life.


I will learn how to be happy on a smaller scale before I begin to tackle the larger stuff. I need to learn and understand what I like and what I'm good at and be proud of those things instead of being envious of what others have going for them.
There is no such thing as envy when you are surrounded by things and people you truly love.
But the only way to get those things is to figure out what they are, and let yourself have them.


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