Saturday, November 13, 2010

My Long Weekend.

Mah brain feels like it's dryer than a well thats really really dry.
And it makes no sense because no alcoholic beverages touched my lips last night.
Maybe my body is still recovering from the alcoholic beverages it's going to be consuming tonight.
I should drink more water.
And vodka.

So it's like the long weekend but half of the long weekend is done already.
Today I'm supposed to clean the house but the thought of cleaning makes my brain even thirstier.
I remain positive that house elves would be the best solution to this and that the wizarding world is like, really lazy. I should be a wizard. Or witch. Wizard sounds cooler.
My room hasn't been clean in several months too...
Every time I try to clean it the laundry monster is like "JAAAMIIEE CAN'T DO IT."
And so I give up and go on facebook.
I need more washing machines in my house in order to accomplish the task that is my laundry.
It's so cold and dusty in my laundry room I don't like going in there.
The house elves would have to go in there.
I would like to be nice and give them a breathing mask and jacket for the dust and cold but that would mean I was giving them an article of clothing and therefore setting them free..............
This is so not how I pictured the long weekend going.


stevo.d said...

i kinda love your blog's new look. :D

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